Cathedral Church of St. Peter and St. Paul

Cathedral Church of St. Peter and St. Paul in Sheffield

Sheffield Cathedral is the oldest building in Sheffield still in daily use. Formerly the Parish Church of Sheffield, it was granted Cathedral status in 1914 – however the history of Christianity on this site goes back over 1000 years.

Like many churches, Sheffield Cathedral is a building which has many stories to tell. It tells the story of the Christian faith in Sheffield through the centuries of worship, prayers and remembrance which have taken place within its walls and continue today in an unbroken Christian tradition.

It also tells the story of the City of Sheffield from the early 12th century when William de Lovetot built the first church on this site and established the township of Sheffield, through to the newly refurbished and welcoming building which today invites you to explore and learn more about the stories and the heritage told by this remarkable building.

Our new Heritage Interpretation Centre in the Cathedral will help you to take the first steps in learning about the history and heritage of the Cathedral and of Sheffield.

We hope you will browse through the information on this website to learn more.

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